Thursday, May 26, 2011

Still stalking the family

With the boys at school today, I set my sights camera on Max. Here are two shots from today, both SOOC (straight out of camera) and edited just a bit for fun.

Here is Max on his normal, back of the couch perch waiting for the school bus to come.



Today had been a very busy day though for Max, full of chasing birds and UPS trucks and he just couldn’t keep his eyes open long enough to greet the bus. It is a rough life after all.




I took a bunch of flower pictures. I will sort through them soon and share anything worth sharing.


Tina said...

What a cutie! It doesn't seem right that I have yet to met my little Maxy! Love your pictures...the rose was AMAZING!

Mark said...

He may not say it, but he's thankful for the wonderful life he has and the love he gives and gets. When I look at a dog like Max, or mine, I am reminded that they are the only ones who truly love us unconditionally. They simplify our complicated lives if we let them, and learn from them. Course they also know how to push our "patience buttons" at times too lol.
- Dad -