Do you know who Dr. Spencer Silver is?
Dr. Silver was a research scientist working at 3M who developed the adhesive now used on post it notes…and thereby became practically a saint in my book.
You may have read about my passion for pens but my insane office supply obsession also includes post it notes. I am a list maker. I truly do make lists that include “make a list” just so I can cross off the first entry. Lists keep me focused, they keep me happy. The only thing better than a list written on a sheet of notebook paper is the same list written on post it notes. Instead of crossing something off my list I am able to take down one post it note, hold it in my hands and say “DONE!” and crumple it up. It’s a great feeling. Does that make me weird? Don’t answer that.
In my house the post it notes live on my kitchen cabinets. They are right where I can see them but yet out of the way. As you can see I have many colors of post it notes (organized by category of course…lol)
Recently I came across something that made me weak in the knees, giddy really. They make blog post it notes. With basically just one click you can create a post it note and post it to a blog. It combines two of my favorite things, blogging and list making.
There are actually a ton of folks in the blogging community who take part in “Post it note Tuesdays”. The post its can be lighthearted, notes to self, to do lists or even notes left for others. I spent a little time reading some that were out there and they were tons of fun. I would love to join in the fun if any of you want to play along on your blog. All you have to do is go to You create your post it note and save it to your computer as a jpg.
Here’s what was on my mind tonight. What’s on yours?
I love you. You are so cool and make me smile!
You just exemplify one of my career commandments: "to fail to plan is to plan to fail." I just write notes on my Dilbert calendar and have the satisfaction of ripping off both a to-do done and a day. There are several words for describing what you do but as your dad I would never call it anything other than "well organized" . . . lol.
- Dad -
Hi Laura!!
I am a post-it note lover as well. I could stick them anywhere and everywhere. And once I've accomplished my task...crumple and toss.
Love your blog layout :-)
He came up with the adhesive by accident too! Pretty cool little story
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